Eugene 12th March 2017

I am a relative newcomer to Andy’s – Andy cut my hair only for the last 30 years. We did not speak much for the first 4 years. Andy would just ask: the usual? I would reply: yes, please – and he would leave me alone with my thoughts. When I came in for my first haircut after my honeymoon, Andy appreciated that I had kept to myself the special significance of the previous haircut. When, some years later, I came in with a 30-day beard, Andy did not pry; he must have seen enough mourning rituals to require confirmation. Since then we discussed so many things: from the wisdom of planting eucalyptus trees in the garden (not a low-maintenance option) to Alan Day and Cosmo in Finchley Road, both of which are no more (one cannot stop the march of time) to the Italian Lakes (heavenly). Andy was a gentleman in every sense of the word: scrupulously fair and uncompromising in enforcing Saturday queuing, and, although there must have been many, who tested his patience, I never heard a bad word about anyone. My condolences go to Andy’s family and to Angelo and Marco. We will all feel Andy’s passing very keenly, but we are all the better for having known him. Eugene